Kiméra Bávatag by Artúr Haránt
Haránt Artúr legújabb sorozatában a képek mitológiai háttere ugyanaz, ami az eredeti mítoszok alapja is volt: A természet szimbolikus leírása. Olyan anyagból vannak gyúrva, amelyekből az álmok is formálódnak. Ez holt anyaggá vált az idők során - ahogy Kerényi Károly mondta -, mint a zeneműnek a kottája, amely önmagában nem szólal meg zeneként, csak akkor, ha lejátsszák. Artúr ezt a holt anyagot próbálta lejátszani élő zeneként.
A3 méretű Riso nyomat, 3 színnel készült / Sunflower, Blue, Bright Red /
Minden nyomat a művész által aláírt és számozott darab.
The mythological background of these pictures in the series is the same what was the point of the original mythologies: A symbolic description of nature. They are made of the same material that dreams are made of. This has become dead material over time - as Károly Kerényi said - like the sheet music, which doesn't sound as music in itself, only when it's played by musician. Artúr tried to play this dead material as living music.
Limited edition prints, every print is signed and numbered by the artist.
Made with Riso in 3 colors / Sunflower, Blue, Bright Red /
A3 size.
About the print:
Kiméra Bávatag
Monsters in many mythologies are creatures of ancient times. Their legs, head, arms, eyes are partly human like, partly animal like and partly divine and they sometimes have only one of them sometimes even a thousand. They are chaotic beings, but they have the seed of order within them. They are by the border of shape and shapelessness.
That is why they are the guards of borders, such as the sphinx at doors or gargoyles on churches, or Cerberus at the gate of underworld. Gibberish is also something similar, as Karinthy’s - Hungarian author - famous mumbo jumbo “Kisera mera bavatag” because we may as well interpret it if we really want to, as it contains such words in which the rate of vowels and consonants is organised by similar harmony, in spite of the fact that, it doesn’t actually mean anything; or like in Lewis Carroll’s poem, “Jabberwocky”. Our speech tone is such a play of our lungs and oral cavity that has its own meaning without the meaning of words.
Sounds, like stem cells, bear the evolution and formation of many pre-destined words whose meaning has not been defined yet just the way as legs, head, arms, or eyes can be formed of stem cells.